2013. május 29., szerda

15 természetes gombaölő

Biopermethez? http://www.femina.hu/egeszseg/kepgaleria/termeszetes_gombaolok?img=9&code=0120067442u53qjb#kepgaleria

Szőlő ritkítás



Levéltetű http://www.hobbikert.hu/magazin/ahany-noveny-annyi-leveltetu-a-kertben.html

Pácolt sajtok


Vegyes szuper kaják kedvencektől

Lorraine Pascal graffiti tortája: http://www.lifestylefood.com.au/recipes/17994/graffiti-cake
                       I can't believe you made this cake torta: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/i_cant_believe_you_made_90494
                       sült fokhagyma és camambert sajt: http://www.cookingchanneltv.com/recipes/lorraine-pascale/camembert-and-roasted-garlic.html

Claire Thomas csokis-diós karamella és más tv nézős nasik: http://thekitchykitchen.blogspot.hu/2012/04/movie-night-snacks-from-food-for.html

                       mexikói ihletésű kaják: http://thekitchykitchen.blogspot.hu/2012/04/food-for-thought-mexican-inspired.html

Fésűkagyló thai ízesítésű borsó pürével Nigellától: http://www.nigella.com/recipes/view/SCALLOPS-WITH-THAI-SCENTED-PEA-PUREE-5314

Bakig Mad Eric Lanlard receptek

Choux Parisienne http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/pies-and-tarts-and-pastry/choux-parisienne

Oreo brownie http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/traybakes/oreo-brownies

Peanut butter blondies http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/traybakes/peanut-butter-blondies

Chocolate tart http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/puddings-and-desserts/chocolate-tart-

Custard tart http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/puddings-and-desserts/custard-tart-

Tarte au citron http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/puddings-and-desserts/tarte-au-citron

White chocolate and blossom tart http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/puddings-and-desserts/white-chocolate-and-orange-blossom-tart

Bilberry and plum pie http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/pies-and-tarts-and-pastry/bilberry-plum-pie

Cheese and tomato quiche http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/pies-and-tarts-and-pastry/cheese-and-tomato-quiche-

Choux pastry buns ingredients http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/pies-and-tarts-and-pastry/choux-pastry-buns

Cream tea strawberry tarts http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/pies-and-tarts-and-pastry/cream-tea-strawberry-tarts

Classic apple pie http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/pies-and-tarts-and-pastry/classic-apple-pie

Eclairs http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/pies-and-tarts-and-pastry/eclairs

Egg custard tarts http://www.bakingmad.com/recipes/pies-and-tarts-and-pastry/egg-custard-tarts-
















2013. május 28., kedd

Wellington bélszín Rachel Allentől

If I have time, I like to place the Beef Wellington parcels in the freezer for about 15 minutes prior to cooking so that the pastry is very cold before going into the oven.


  • 4 beef fillet steaks (about 150g/5oz each)
  • plain flour, for dusting
  • 250 g ready-made puff pastry
  • 2 tsp dijon mustard
  • 1 egg (beaten)
  • for the duxelles (mushroom stuffing):
  • 2 tblsp olive oil
  • 15 g butter
  • 100 g shallot (peeled and finely chopped)
  • 250 g mushrooms (finely chopped)
  • salt and ground black pepper
  • 75 ml dry white wine
  • 75 ml double or regular cream
  • 1 tblsp chopped tarragon
  • 2 spring onions (trimmed and chopped)
  1. Tip in the mushrooms, season with salt and pepper and cook for 6-8 minutes, stirring occasionally, then pour in the wine and cream and add the tarragon. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered, for about 10 minutes or until the mixture has thickened. Stir in the spring onions, remove from the heat and spread the mixture out on a plate to allow it to cool.
  2. To sear the beef, place a griddle pan or a frying pan on a high heat and, when it is very hot, brown the steaks for 1 minute on each side, seasoning with salt and pepper. Remove from the heat and set aside, allowing the meat to rest for about 20 minutes until cool.
  3. Preheat the oven to 220°C (425°F/Gas 7).
  4. Lightly dust a work surface with flour and roll out the puff pastry into a large rectangle, about 40 x 60cm (16 x 24 in) and 3mm (1/8 in) thick. (If the work surface isn't large enough, just roll out two smaller rectangles, each about 30 x 40cm/12 x 16in) Using a sharp knife, trim the edges of the pastry (reserving the scraps for decorations, if you wish), then cut it into four smaller rectangles - or cut the two smaller rectangles in half - so that you have four rectangles in total, each measuring approximately 20 x 30cm (8 x 12 in).
  5. Spread about half a teaspoon of the mustard evenly over one side of each piece of pastry, leaving a gap of about 1cm (1/2 in) around the edges, then place a steak in the centre. Divide the duxelles between the four steaks, heaping it neatly on top of each one. Brush the edges of the pastry with a little of the beaten egg, then wrap up the steaks in the pastry as tidily as possible (see the tip below). Turn the parcels over so that the joins are facing down, then brush over the top with the beaten egg.
  6. If you wish, you can re-roll the discarded pastry scraps into a thin sheet about 3mm (1/8 in) thick, then cut into leaf shapes (or whatever shapes you like) and decorate the top of each parcel, making sure to brush all exposed pastry with the beaten egg. This will give it a lovely golden sheen.
  7. Place the Beef Wellingtons on the baking tray in the oven and cook for 10 minutes, or until the pastry is golden, before turning the temperature down to 200°C (400°F/Gas 6), to cook for another 5-10 minutes, by which stage the pastry should be completely cooked. Take out of the oven and serve immediately.


Rachel's Tip: When wrapping the pastry about the beef, you may need to cut off any excess pastry if you feel there is too much. You basically want a single layer of pastry everywhere except for where it joins - too much pastry overlapping will result in a very heavy and doughy Beef Wellington.

2013. május 27., hétfő

Posírozott tojás

Hogyan készül a tökéletes posírozott tojás Jamie Oliver szerint:

"Get yourself a wide, casserole-type pan and fill it with boiling water from the kettle. Bring it to a light simmer over a medium heat, add a pinch of sea salt.

Crack one of your eggs into a cup and gently pour it into the water in one fluid movement. Repeat with the rest of the eggs. You'll see them begin to cook immediately – don't worry if the edges look a little scruffy. Depending on your pan, a really soft poached egg should take around 2 minutes and a soft to firm one will need 4 minutes (it depends on the size of the eggs and whether you're using them straight from the fridge). To check whether they're done, remove one carefully from the pan with a slotted spoon and give it a gentle push with a teaspoon. If it feels too soft (use your instincts), put it back and give the eggs a minute or two more in the water to firm up.

When they're ready, remove them to some kitchen paper to dry off and serve with buttered toast and a sprinkle of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Jamie's top tips 
Use the best-quality eggs you can afford. Remember: the better the quality, the better the flavour. You can tell whether an egg is fresh by cracking it on to a saucer. If the yolk stands up and the white isn't watery, it's as fresh as a daisy. The simplest way to store eggs is in the box you buy them in. Egg shells are porous and can absorb the odours of other foods so try to keep them away from anything strong-smelling, like fish."

Forrás: http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/eggs-recipes/poached-eggs

2013. május 10., péntek

Csoki ropogós

durvára vágott pekándió/mogyoró
olvasztott étcsokoládé
aszalt áfonya/meggy/szeder v. más aszalt gyümölcs
puffasztott rizs

összekeverés után muffin papírba (vagy szilikon formába, akkor szilárdulás után majd fel kell vágni) tesszük és berakjuk a hűtőbe

A Good Chef/Bad chef mai részében (III/28) láttam, de közben a gyerekek lefoglaltak (Eszter ugrált és közben verset olvastam neki, Emma evett és büfiztetés közben a teljesebb élmény érdekében sírt is, mertz türelmetlen, ha kajáról van szó :D), így csak a hozzávalókat tudtam nagyjából követni, a mennyiségeket nem. Igazából hallani nem hallottam, csak láttam, de az ebben az esetben elég volt. :)

Nagyon jól nézett ki, régebben ettem is ilyen finomságot, szerintem nemsokára elkészítem. Közben azon gondolkodtam hogy lehetne ezt még variálni:

- crispy rice-t tenni bele (nem tudom mi a neve magyarul vagy hogy lehet-e venni, de a DM-ben el tudom képzelni, hogy van)
- csokit ízesíteni (mogyorónugáttal, mogyorókrémmel) vagy finomítani kakaóvajjal
- tejkaramellt vagy karamellt keverni hozzá, de nem teljesen elkeverni, csak belefolyatni, akár rétegesen
- narancsot, barackot más friss gyümölcsből darabokat beleforgatni

Ha elkészül fényképpel is dokumentálom és leírom a kipróbált arányokat.